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Table of Contents | , 1996  Vol. 17  No.2 | Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive |
In this issue:


5 The Assessment of Children's Literacy
Young Sil Kim
Korean J Child Stud.1996;17(2):5-17.
19 The Relationships between Temperament , Their Mothers' Childrearing Behavior , and Adjustment among Kindergarten Children
Young Hee Kim
Korean J Child Stud.1996;17(2):19-32.
33 The Relationship of Shyness , Interpersonal Adustment , and Peer Acceptance to Loneliness in Children
Hyun Sim Doh
Korean J Child Stud.1996;17(2):33-45.
47 Relationship between Mother - Child Communication and the Self - Concept of Young Children
Sung Kyoung Sim
Korean J Child Stud.1996;17(2):47-59.
61 Relationships between Maternal support network and perceptions of parenting task difficulty
Un Hai Rhee,Mee Ry Lee
Korean J Child Stud.1996;17(2):61-78.
79 Fathers in Children's Poems
Soon Hwa Chung,Shi Hae Kim
Korean J Child Stud.1996;17(2):79-105.
107 Social Competence , Peer Contacts , and Emotional Development in Children of Lower SES Employed Mothers
Kyung Soon Choi,Hyeon Hee Jeong
Korean J Child Stud.1996;17(2):107-119.
121 Effectiveness of the " Understanding Activities of Self and Others " Program in Improving Self - concept , Perspective - taking and Prosocial Behavior
Hyoun Ock Shin,Moon Hee Kang
Korean J Child Stud.1996;17(2):121-139.
141 The Effects of Self - Regulated Learning on Academic Achievement in Normally Achieving and Learning Disabled Children
Chung Ok Chung,Moon Hee Kang
Korean J Child Stud.1996;17(2):141-161.
163 An Ethnographic approach to the Study of The Psychological Welfare of Teenage Heads of Family
Min Jung Kim
Korean J Child Stud.1996;17(2):163-180.
181 Relationships between Children's Social Development and Day Care Quality , Child - care Experience and Family Characteristics
Yeon Suk Yang,Bok Hee Cho
Korean J Child Stud.1996;17(2):181-193.
195 The Peer Competence of Children in Poverty
Eun Ju Lee,Jae Yeon Lee
Korean J Child Stud.1996;17(2):195-206.
207 Parental Perspectives and Child Rearing Effects on Child Abuse
Seong Ha Hwang
Korean J Child Stud.1996;17(2):207-220.
221 The Development of Delay of Gratification by Cognitive Style and Reward Presentation
Soo Kyung Heo,Kyung Nim Lee
Korean J Child Stud.1996;17(2):221-233.
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