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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 14(1); 1993 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1993;14(1): 91-107.
외동이의 사회적 능력 및 인지능력 발달에 관한 연구
송나리, 박성연
The Social and Cognitive Development of Only Children
Na Lee Song,Seong Yeon Park
The purpose of this study was to examine the social and cognitive competence of the only children in comparison with children with siblings. The sample consisted of 360 children from kindergartens, elementary schools(2nd and 5th grades), middle schools and high schools in Seoul. Data were gathered through questionnaires on social and cognitive competencies. The results were as follows: (1) The differences in social and cognitive competence between only children and sibling children varied by age of the child. (2) There were no significant differences according by sex in social competence and cognitive competence among both only children and sibling children. (3) The voluntariness of fertility outcomes was not related either to the social or cognitive competence of only children for each age group.
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