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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 18(1); 1997 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1997;18(1): 39-52.
아동 후기 초등학교 학생의 내적 외적 문제행동인 우울성향과 반사회적 행동에 영향을 주는 요인들
Factors Influencing Internal and External Problem Behaviors in Late Elementary School Children : Depression and Antisocial Behavior
Hee Og Sim
This study focused on factors influencing internal and external problem (depression and antisocial) behavior among late-elementary children. Subjects were 481 boys and girls enrolled in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades of public school. The contribution of grade, sex, stress, self-esteem, and social support from parents, teachers, and friends as well as school performance were studied. The instruments were the adolescent Perceived Events Scale, the Self-Esteem Scale, the Social Support Scale for Children, the Revised Korean Version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies` Depression Scale and Antisocial Behavior Scale. Results indicated that sex, stress, self-esteem, and the support of parents, teachers and friends reduced the level of depression. Grade, sex, stress, self-esteem, and teachers` support were related to the level of antisocial behavior. The results were discussed in terms of the effects of stress, personal and social resources, and school achievement on depression and antisocial behavior.
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