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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 21(4); 2000 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(4): 81-103.
영아기 애착관련 변인과 모성행동 특성 분석
Attachment Related Variables in Infants and Characteristics of Maternal Behavior
Mee Hyang Koo,Yang Hee Lee
Two sub-standies were conducted to analyze attachment related variables in infants and characteristics of maternal behavior. The first study investigated the relationships among attachment related variables in infants. The sample consisted of 58 pairs of 11- to 13- months-old infants and their mothers. A significant relationship was found among attachment security, infant temperament and maternal sensitivity. There were differences between security scores of the easy and difficult infants. Securely attached infants were rated as easier temperamentally than insecurely attached infants. The second study analyze maternal behavior characteristics. Subjects were this 30 mothers whose children were between the ages of 2 months and 24 months. The results identified four types of maternal behaviors. This study suggests different method of assessing subjective attributes of individuals by introducing Q-methods to the field of child development.
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