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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 24(2); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(2): 109-121.
시설 보호 아동의 또래관계 증진을 위한 사회적 역량 프로그램의 효과
유안진 , 한유진 , 김진경
Social Competence Improvement Program for Institutionalized Chi1dren` Positive Peer Relationship
An Jin Yoo , Eu Gene Han , Jin Kyung Kim
The program implemented in this study consisted of 4 parts : positive self perception, understanding and expression of emotion, communication skills, and interpersonal problem solving competence. Implementation took place once a week In 12 60-90 minutes sessions. The subjects were 33 11- to 13- year old children residing in 2 institutions similar to each other. The experimental group consisted of 11 boys and 7 girls and control group of 7 boys and 8 girls, respectively. Implementation was bracketed by pre- and post-tests. After the 12 weeks intervention program, there were significant differences between the experimental and control groups. The experimental group improved in social and communication skills. Both the experimental and control group didn`t improve in self-esteem.
Key Words: Institutionalized children, peer relationship, social competence improvement program
주요어: 시설보호아동, 또래관계, 사회적 역량 프로그램
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