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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(6); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(6): 205-223.
아동이 지각한 어머니의 심리통제와 아동의 행동문제 -아동의 성과 또래수용도의 중재효과에 대한 탐색-
Children`s Perceptions of Mothers` Psychological Control and Children`s Behavior Problems: Moderator Effects of Children`s Sex and Peer Acceptance
Yun Joo Chyung
This study examined the relationships between children`s perceptions of mothers` psychological control, and children`s behavior problems(depression, anxiety, withdrawal, and aggression). In order to expand the study on the relationships, special attention was given to the possible moderator effects of children`s sex and peer acceptance on the relationships. The subjects were 272 6th graders residing in Seoul. It was found that children`s perceptions of mothers` psychological control was significantly related with the levels of children`s depression, anxiety, withdrawal, and aggression. The results indicated that mothers` higher psychological control was related to higher levels of children`s depression, anxiety, withdrawal, and aggression. No significant sex difference was found in the relationship between children`s perceptions of mothers` psychological control and children`s behavior problems although all of the correlations between mothers` psychological control and each of the behavior problem variables were somewhat higher among boys than among girls. Children`s perceptions of peer acceptance were found to be a significant moderator of the relationship between mothers` psychological control and children`s depression, and of the relationship between mothers` psychological control and children`s aggression. These findings indicated that peer acceptance could function as a protecting factor for children who perceive their mothers to be psychologically controlling.
Key Words: psychological control, peer acceptance, behavior problems
주요어: 심리통제, 또래수용도, 행동문제
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