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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 35(1); 2014 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2014;35(1): 1-15.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2014.35.1.1
부모의 방임 및 학대가 청소년의 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향: 사회적 위축의 매개효과
The Effects of Parents` Neglect and Abuse on the School Adjustment in Adolescents: The Mediating Effects of Social Withdrawal
Ki Won Park
In this paper, the effects of parental neglect and abuse on school adjustment mediated by social withdrawal in adolescents were examined using a sample of 2,163 second grade middle school students(1,096 boys and 1,067 girls) from the Korean Child and Youth Panel Survey(KCYPS) data set. All research variables were measured using self-reported questionnaires. They were analyzed by means of Structural Equation Modeling. The results indicated that parents` abuse had no direct effect, but there was an indirect effect on adolescents` school adjustment mediated by adolescents` social withdrawal. Parental neglect had a direct effect on adolescents` school adjustment and also had an indirect effect on adolescents` school adjustment mediated by social withdrawal. The results indicate that parental neglect is a more significant contributor than adolescents` social withdrawal on adolescents` school adjustment. The results of this study show that parenting attitude, more specifically parental neglect, tend to be more important factors on school adjustment compared to adolescents` psychological problems, such as social withdrawal in adolescence. Taken together, these findings suggest that interventions aimed at improving parental neglect and adolescents` social withdrawal need to be emphasized if adolescents are to better adjust to school life.
Key Words: parent abuse, parent neglect, school adjustment, social withdrawal
주요어: 부모 학대, 부모 방임, 학교생활적응, 사회적 위축
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