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A Short-Term Longitudinal Study on Parental Bonding & Participant Roles in Bullying Situations: Focused on Children`s Gender
Hee Og Sim
Korean J Child Stud.2010;31(1):1-17.
Peer Relations
Hee Og Sim , Yoo Lim Shin
Korean J Child Stud.2009;30(6):195-208.
Bullying Situations: Gender Differences in Social Status and Social Emotions of Participant Roles
Hee Og Sim
Korean J Child Stud.2008;29(3):191-205.
Attitudes of Teachers Toward Preschoolers` Bullying and Teachers` Self-efficacy
Yeon Ha Kim , Young Ah Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2007;28(6):217-232.
The Relations of Children`s Peer Victimization, Self-esteem, and Loneliness
Mi Kyung Choi
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(4):133-145.
A Cross-Sectional and Short-Term Longitudinal Study on Bullying/Victimization and Interpersonal Behavior Characteristics: The Participant Roles Approach
Hee Og Sim
Korean J Child Stud.2005;26(5):263-279.
Bullying and Victimization with Perception of Parenting Behaviors among Elementary School Children
Kyung Son Ro , Hee Og Sim
Korean J Child Stud.2004;25(6):241-257.
Children`s Bullying, Victimization and Teacher`s Reports of Problem Behaviors and Competencies
Hee Og Sim
Korean J Child Stud.2003;24(2):79-92.
Daily Hassles, Bullying and Victimization: A Comparison of Grade and Gender
Gill Im Kim , Hee Og Sim
Korean J Child Stud.2002;23(5):139-151.
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