An Analysis of Children`s Creative Thinking StylesAccording to Cluster Analysis
Kyoung Eun Kim , Eun A Kim , Seong Hui Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2014;35(2):103-115. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2014.35.2.103
The Effects of a Constructivist Approach to Cooking Activities on Young Children`s Scientific Attitudes and Creativity
Go Woon Park , Sun Young Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2011;32(1):141-156. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.1.141
Implicit Knowledge on Children`s Leadership and Creative Leaders` Styles by Teachers and Children
Jung Min Pyo , In Soo Choe
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Analysis of Trends in Research on Creativity of Preschool Children
Chae Ho Lee , In Soo Choe
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An Analysis of Kindergarten Teachers` Perceptions of Children`s Creativity Employing Q-methodological Approach
Sun Mi Park , Soo Kyung Yoo
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Development of the Creative Classroom Climate Scale
Ji Yeon Min , In Soo Choi
Korean J Child Stud.2008;29(4):27-42.
The Components of Korean Creativity from the a Comparison Between the College Students in the US and Krea
Eun Hyun Sung , Joo Hyun Ha , Soon Mi Han , Jeong Kyu Lee , Hyung Seon Ryu , Yun Yung Han
Korean J Child Stud.2008;29(3):319-338.
A Study on the Relationships Between Children`s Information Processing Style and Creativity
Jeong Jin Youn
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Effects of the Making-books Program on Children`s Creativity
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Educational Intervention Utilizing Fairy Tales: Effects of on Creativity and Pro-social Behaviors in Early Childhood
Sun Hee Park , Soo Young Kim
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Causal Effects of Creative Home Environment and Emotional and Cognitive Variables on Children`s Creativity
Mee Hyung Oh , Bo Ga Choi
Korean J Child Stud.2007;28(2):55-70.
Story-Plotting and Oral Narration Activities Based on Wordless Picture Story Books: The Effect on Young Children`s Linguistic Creativity and Expression
Hye Son Hyeon , Sook Ryong Kim
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Relationships among Intrinsic-Extrinsic Motivation, Self-Efficacy, and Creativity
Eun Hyun Sung
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The Effects of Advertisement-Making Activities on Young Children`s Language Ability and Creativity
Yeon Wook Choi , Mi Sook Choi
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Story Making Activity with Fantasy Picture Books: Effect on the Language Expression and Creativity of Young Children
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Examination of the Process Delivered by Rewards on Child`s Creativity
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The Effectiveness of the Children`s An Creativity Program Applying Basic Shapes
Jeong Jin Youn , Gil Kweon Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2005;26(5):391-409.
The Effects of an Art Education Program Based on Multiple Intelligence Theory on Children`s Creativity and Spatial Ability
Chung Hee Chung , Hyo Jung Choi , Chun Hee Park
Korean J Child Stud.2005;26(5):217-232.
The Effects of Picture Storybook Making Activities by Computer on Children`s Storytelling Ability and Creativity
Eun Ae Ko , Chung Hee Chung
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Development and Effectiveness of a Program for Enhancing the Creativity of Kindergarten Children through Physical Play
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The Influence of Mothers` Characteristics on the Creativity of Gifted and Non-gifted Preschool Children
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Use of Painting Masterpiece with Physical Expression Activities: Effect on Creativity
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the Relation Between K-ABC Intelligence and TTCT Creativity in Preschoolers
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The Relationship Between Thinking Styles and Creativity in Preservice Kindergarten Teachers
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The Effectiveness of the Learning Cycle Model for Science Instruction: Preschool Children`s Creativity and Scientific Problem Solving Ability
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Gender Differences in Science-Gifted and General Students: Creative Thinking, Personality, Environment, and Performance in Science
Myung Sook Kim , Dae Ryun Chung , Jong Hee Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2003;24(3):1-13.