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The Time-dependent Effects of changes in private Education on the Developmental Trajectories of Academic Achievement Among Early Adolescents
Ju Lie Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2010;31(6):1-13.
15 |
The Effects Components of Social Information Processing and Emotional Factors on Preschoolers` Overt and Relational Aggression
In Suk Choi , Kang Yi Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2010;31(6):15-34.
35 |
Joint Attention and Language Development in Infants from Multi-Cultural Families
Young Shin Park
Korean J Child Stud.2010;31(6):35-50.
51 |
The Effectiveness of Constructivist Science Education Integrated with Art Experience on Young Children`s Science Process Skills and Scientific Attitudes
Jung Hyun Kim , Sun Yong Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2010;31(6):51-69.
71 |
The Moderating Role of Yong Children`s Playfulness and the Association between Maternal Parenting and Young Children`s Peer Competency
Sang Eun Lee , Ju Lie Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2010;31(6):71-85.
87 |
The Effects of Parents`s Psychological Control, Depressive Dispositions, and Depression on the Self Esteem of Adolescents
Seong Yeon Park , Eun Gyoung Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2010;31(6):87-106.
107 |
The Effect of an Improvement Service for Child Cognitive Ability Aimed at the Development of linguistic Ability in Children between the Ages of 3-6 Years An Evaluation for Short term Effectiveness
Bong Joo Lee , Nang Hee Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2010;31(6):107-123.
125 |
The Effects of Children`s Ego-Resilience and Social Support on Exam Anxiety and School Adjustment
Jung Hee Park , Jung Mee Park
Korean J Child Stud.2010;31(6):125-134.
135 |
A Comparative Study on Early Childhood Teachers` Beliefs and Instructional Activities Regarding DAP in Korea and china
Hui Young Chun , Mi Ran Lee , Hyun Ah Seo , Seung Hwa Jwa
Korean J Child Stud.2010;31(6):135-151.
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A Study to the Acquisition of Honorific Markers by Three Four and Five year old Young Children
Min Jin Kim , Jin Lee Park
Korean J Child Stud.2010;31(6):153-166.
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The Relationship between Maternal Attitudes toward Children`s Expressiveness Children`s Emotional Intelligence and Problem Behaviors
Sang Won Kim , Hyun Sim Doh , Soo Jung Cho
Korean J Child Stud.2010;31(6):167-183.