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Table of Contents | , 1999  Vol. 20  No.3 | Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive |
In this issue:


3 Relations of Maternal Sensitivity and Temperament to linfants Attachment Security
Kyung Ja Park
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):3-17.
19 The Relation of Attachment and Mother - Child Interactions to Peer Interactions
Young Lee,Yu Mee Rah
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):19-32.
33 Loneliness in Early Adolescence : Relationships to Peer Experiences and Attachment to Parents
Hyun Sim Doh
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):33-49.
51 Relationships between Maternal Attachment Style , Marital Conflict , Caring Behavior and Child Behavior Problems
Cha Yeun Kang,Yeon Zip Chang
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):51-75.
77 A Study on Children's Friendship
Un Hai Rhee
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):77-95.
97 Children's Self - Perceived Competence and Behavior Problems
Sun Joo Suh
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):97-106.
107 Individual Risk and Social Risk as Interacting Determinants of Peer Victimization
Jeom Sook Lee,An Jin Yoo
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):107-121.
123 Children's Motives and Strategies for Emotional Regulation in Angry and sad Situations
Ji Sun Lee,An Jin Yoo
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):123-137.
139 The Relationships between Children's Social Competence and Emotional Intelligence
Hye Jung Hwang,Kyoung Hoe Kim
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):139-151.
153 Childhood Experience , Personality , and Marital Satisfaction : Relationship to Parenting Behaviors
Hyun Jin Jeon,Seong Yeon Park
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):153-169.
171 Relationships between Parent's Reactions to Preschoolers' Negative Emotions , Coping Styles and Peer Acceptance
Hee Yeon Kang,Moon Hee Kang
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):171-182.
183 The Development and Practical Application of a Parent Education Program
Jung Won Kim,Kee Sook Lee
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):183-197.
199 Relationships Among Language Ability , Foreign Language Learning Experience , and Metalinguistic Ability in Korean Preschool Children
You Me Han,Bok Hee Cho
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):199-216.
217 Effectiveness of Death Education on the Reduction of Children's Death Anxiety
Eun Young Nahm,Yeon Zip Chang
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):217-230.
231 The Effects of Playing Video Games on Children's Visual Parallel Processing
Sook Hyun Kim,Kyoung Sook Choi
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):231-244.
245 Content Analysis of Illustrated Korean Fairy tales As Kindergarten Science Teaching Material
Kyung Hee Nam,Ung Im Park
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):245-257.
259 Children's Music Cognition : Comparison of Identification Classification , and Seriation in Music Tasks
Keum Hee Kim,Soon Hyung Yi
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):259-273.
275 The Effect of Prosocial Story Telling and Disscussion on Children's Prosocial Behavior and Prosocial Reasoning
Yun Jeong Choi,Kee Sook Lee
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):275-291.
293 Effects of Computer on Children's Spatial Skills and Short - term Memory Ability
Soon Hyung Yi,Bong Yeon Suh,So Eun Lee,Mi Yong Sung
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):293-306.
307 The Influence of Prosocial Discussion on Young Children's Social Skills
Young Ok Kim,Kyong Seon Youn
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):307-324.
325 The Effects of Paper Folding Activities on the Understanding of Geometric Figures by Kindergarten Children
Hae Suk Kim,Hae Kyung Hong
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):325-337.
339 Variables Affecting Turnover Among Korean Early Childhood Educators
Sook Young Shim
Korean J Child Stud.1999;20(3):339-349.
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