학령기 아동의 신체적, 심리사회적 건강상태에 따른 주관적인 삶의 질과 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 요인 -만성질환과 정서행동문제를 가진 아동을 중심으로-
이보람 , 박혜준
Self-Reported Quality of Life and Physical, Psychosocial Health State in Korean School-Age Children:Focus on Children with Chronic Diseases and Emotional-Behavioral Problems
Bo Ram Lee , Hye Jun Park
The purpose of this study was (1) to examine the impact of chronic diseases and emotional-behavioral problems on school-age children`s self-perceived QOL, and (2) to investigate what factors were related to the QOL of children. Participants were 972 Korean 4th, 5th, & 6th grade students and 47 teachers. Children completed a questionnaire to evaluate their self-perceived well-being and subjective health. Also they reported their height/weight and physical health state indicating whether they have chronic diseases or not. Teachers reported each child`s psychosocial health problems and also reported whether the child has chronic diseases or not. Major findings were as follows:1. Physical and psychosocial health status had significant impact on school-age children`s QOL. Moreover, physical and psychosocial health status were interrelated. 2. Presence of physical and psychosocial problems contributed to substantial declines in self-perceived QOL of school-age children. Children who have chronic diseases and emotional- behavioral problems reported significantly lower QOL compared with children in a normal state. 3. Peer relationship was found to be the significant factor that contribute to the QOL of all children.