초등학생 학교부적응 증상의 일상생활 경험적 특성 |
이미리 |
Daily Manifestations of School Maladjustment Among Elementary School Students |
Mee Li Lee |
Abstract |
This study investigated the differences in time use patterns and psychological states across daily activity contexts and interpersonal contexts, depending on the levels of school maladjustment among elementary school students. Using the Experience Sampling Method (ESM), 107 elementary school 6th grade students` daily time use patterns and psychological states across daily contexts were measured six times a day over a period of 4 days. Using the school maladjustment scale, an internal problem based school maladjusted group and an external problem based school maladjusted group were identified and selected. The daily time use patterns and psychological states of both school maladjusted groups were compared to those of the adjusted groups. The principle findings are as follows: first, the school maladjusted group students` daily time use patterns across daily activity contexts or interpersonal contexts did not differ from those of the students from the school adjusted group. Second, the school maladjusted group students experienced more negative emotions, lower concentration levels, and lower motivation levels across daily contexts than the school adjusted group students. These differences in motivation between the external problem school maladjusted group and adjusted group, however, were greater in the schoolwork context compared to the other daily activity contexts. The findings were discussed in the contexts of the daily experiences of child school maladjustment. |
Key Words:
school maladjustment, Experience Sampling Method:ESM, interpersonal contexts, activity contexts |
학교부적응, 경험표집법, 대인맥락, 활동맥락 |