가족의 누적위험요인이 영아기 발달에 미치는 영향:어머니의 양육행동을 매개로 |
장영은 , 권윤정 |
The Effects of Cumulative Family Risk Factors on Infants` Development:The Mediation of Mothers` Parenting |
Young Eun Chang , Yun Jeong Kwon |
Abstract |
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the paths from the cumulative risk factors to infant`s development at 24 months of age via the mediation of maternal parenting behaviors. The data consisted of 3 year`s worth of data harvested from 1802 families participating in the Panel Study on Korean Children (PSKC). The results revealed that cumulative family risk factors tended to stay in the family in relatively stable ways. Early risk factors significantly predicted later risk factors. Cumulative risk factors were negatively associated with the parenting styles of mothers, which in turn, significantly predicted the development of the infants concerned. Statistical tests supported the notion that mothers` parenting behavior is the mediator of the relation between family risk factors and infant`s developmental outcomes. |
Key Words:
risk factors, parenting behavior, infant development |
위험요인, 양육행동, 영아발달 |