The Long Term Effectiveness of Kindergarten Education
Young Re Kwon
Problems This study was aimed to find out the effects of Kindergarten education on primary school child`s learning achievement and it`s continuance. The specific question to be investigated in this study can he summarized as follows. 1. How did the kindergarten education effect upon primary school child`s learning achievement and behavioral development? 2. How did the differences of learning achievement and behavioral development between groups of children attending kindergarten and not attending kindergarten? Methods 1. Subjects One hundred and twenty children of sixth grade and one hundred primary school`s teachers were employed 1) Sixty of children were experimented groups who had received kindergarten education. Sixty of Children are Control group who had not received Kindergarten education. The subjects were sampled in N primary school in seoul and Y primary school in Taejeon. Sixty of children were boys and sixty of children were girls. 2) Fifty of teachers were sampled in N primary school in Seoul and Fifty of teachers were sampled in Y primary school in Taejeon. 2. Instrument 1) School cumulative record. School cumulative record was referred to find out the differences of school records on learning achievement in morality, National language, social studies, arithmatics, natural science, gymnastics, music, fine arts and behavioral development in industry, responsibility, coorperation, indeperdence, law abiding spirit between experimental group and control group. 2) Questionnaire paper which constructed 10 articles. Questionnaire paper asked to primary school teachers for effects of kindergarten education. Results The results of date analysis can summarized as follows. 1. Kindergarten education, generally, is regarded effective at least for school work achievement but not so effective for morality and physical education. 2. Kindergarten education is not so effective in all school works of primary school in its continuance since its effectiveness begins to fade away from the 4th grade of primary school. But such continuance tends to be outstanding especially in national language, social subjects and arts. 3. The experiences of kindergarten education is not much helpful to behavioral development during primary school. 4. Primary school teachers recognize that kindergarten education contributes to curriculum work and behavioral development for primary school children.