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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 5; 1984 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1984;5: 81-105.
한국직업청소년과 일반청소년의 노동관 , 미래관 및 독단주의와의 관계 연구
Attitudes toward Work and Time Perspective and Their Relationship to Dogmatism in Korean Adolescent Vocational and Non - Vocational Trainees
Kyung Hee Kim
The intention of this study was: 1) to standardize the Korean version of the Dogmatism Scale, 2) to examine whether environmental structure affects value systems such as attitudes toward work, time perspective and the personality dimension of dogmatism in adolescent vocational and non-vocational trainees, 3) to examine relationships between those value systems and group differences in personality characteristics of vocational and non-vocational trainees, 4) to observe whether there are differences between high-dogmatism and low-dogmatism subjects with regard to attitudes toward work and future time perspective. The subjects for the study included 841 adolescent vocational (226) and nonvocational (615) from vocational training centers, schools and universities in Seoul. The instruments used in this study were 1) a questionnaire for attitudes toward work, 2) the Future Time Perspective (FTP) developed by Christiansen and 3) the Dogmatism Scale. The results of the present study indicated that behavior settings or environmental variables such as organization type affect the formation of attitudes and of dogmatism in adolescents. The results also showed that dogmatism relates to future time perspectives. This differs from Rokeach`s theoretical statements. Dogmatism in this study was related to time perspective, the relationships were optimistic in emotional areas, long-term in direction and concrete in structure. The inconsistency between the results of the present study and Rokeach`s suggests further study. A "Psycho-Environmental Model" for the formation of value systems based on the results of this and earlier research of the author were discussed.
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