Korean Journal of Child Studies 1990;11(2): 24-43.
교사의 언어적 상호작용 형태와 유아의 과학적 태도 및 성취와의 관계
The Relationship Between Types of Teachers' Verbal Interaction and Children's Scientific Attitudes and Achievement
Young Re Kwon
This study investigated the effectiveness of teachers inquiry-discovery verbal interaction which was compared with expository-directive verbal interaction. Two teachers from two different kindergarten groups were trained and observed during conversation and science corner activities. Sixty children were observed during science corner activities and tested with a scientific achievement instrument. Teacher`s inquiry-discovery verbal interaction had a more positive effect on children`s scientific attitudes than teacher`s expository-directive verbal interaction. Teacher`s inquiry-discovery verbal interaction had a more positive effect on children`s scientific achievement than teacher`s expository-directive verbal interaction. Children`s scientific attitudes and children`s scientific achievement had a positive correlation.