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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 14(1); 1993 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1993;14(1): 77-89.
아동의 인지양식과 대인 문제 해결력 - 5세 , 7세 , 및 9세 아동을 대상으로 -
정윤주, 이순형
Cognitive Style and Interpersonal Problem Solving Ability among 5 - , 7 - , and 9 - year - olds
Yun Joo Chyung,Soon Hyung Yi
The purpose of this study was to investigate (1) children`s field dependence by age and sex, (2) children`s interpersonal problem solving ability by age, sex, and contextual factors, (3) children`s interpersonal problem solving ability by field dependence. The subjects were 120 five-, seven-, and nine-year-olds. Children`s field-dependence was measured with the Children`s Embedded Figures Test (CEFT). Children`s interpersonal problem solving ability was measured with the Preschool Interpersonal Problem Solving Test (PIPS Test). Statistical methods adopted for data analysis were frequencies, percentiles, means, standard deviation, t-test, oneway ANOVA. Scheffe′ test and Pearson`s correlations. Major findings were that (1) The older children were more field-independent than the younger ones (2) The older children suggested more problem solving methods and higher-level problem solving strategies than the younger ones. (3) Children suggested higher-level problem solving strategies in contexts involving familiar as opposed to unfamiliar participants and contexts involving children as opposed to adults. (4) 9-year-olds` field-independence was positively associated with interpersonal problem solving ability.
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