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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 17(2); 1996 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1996;17(2): 19-32.
기질 및 양육행동과 아동의 적응과의 관계
The Relationships between Temperament , Their Mothers' Childrearing Behavior , and Adjustment among Kindergarten Children
Young Hee Kim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between adjustment, temperament, and mothers` childrearing behavior. The subjects were 132 three to five-year old children. The research instruments included TRS(Temperament Rating Scale), the modified IPBI(Iowa Parent Behavior Inventory), and PAQ (Preschool Adjustment Questionnaire). The data were analyzed by percentiles and canonical correlation analysis. The results were as follows : Among the five temperament factors and four childrearing factors, the best predictor of children`s adjustment was activity temperament. The next one was Limit Setting of childrearing behavior. Among the five adjustment measures, the one predicted best by children`s temperament and mothers` childrearing behavior was Adjustment to Preschool Routines.
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