Korean Journal of Child Studies 1996;17(2): 107-119.
저소득층 취업모 자기보호 아동의 사회적 능력 , 또래관계 및 정서발달
최경순, 정현희
Social Competence , Peer Contacts , and Emotional Development in Children of Lower SES Employed Mothers
Kyung Soon Choi,Hyeon Hee Jeong
This study investigated social competence, peer contacts, and emotional development in children of lower SES employed mothers. Instruments were Choi`s (1992) questionnaire on social competence, Pettit`s (1988) questionnaire on peer contacts, and Kang`s (1986) and Kim`s (1993) questionnaires on emotional development. The data was analyzed by t-test. Social class differences were found in children`s social capability, leadership and anxiety, in peer contacts, and in emotional disturbance and aggression.