유아 성인 관계방식이 유아의 도덕개념 형성에 미치는 영향 |
최보가, 송미화 |
The Influences of Adult - child Relationships on the Moral Concepts of Preschoolers |
Bo Ga Choi,Mi Hwa Song |
Abstract |
The present study investigated the construction of the moral concepts of 3-, 4-, and 5- year old Korean children. Instruments were the Maternal Behavior Research Instrument by Schaefer for mother and feather nurturing attitudes, and the Domain Distinctiveness Model for children`s moral judgments. Maternal and teacher attitudes were categorized by the affection-rejection factor consisting of affection-affection, affection-rejection, rejection-affection, and rejection-rejection dimensions, and by the permissive, -control factor consisting of permissive-permissive, permissive-control, control-permissive, and control-control dimension. Children`s data were collected with an individualized interview in which children were asked to judge moral and social conventional transgression events. 30 children were assigned to each of the maternal/teacher attitude dimensions; thus, there were 120 children for each factor. Results showed that (1) the affection-affection cohort was must strongly related to moral rules using both the seriousness criterion and deserved punishment criterion, and (2) the permissive-permissive cohort was most strongly related to reasoning and action. However, this cohort did not break out of children`s structural limitation (limited responses to the intangible) |