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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 20(2); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1999;20(2): 125-138.
1,2 세 영아 - 어머니의 가정에서의 책 읽기 상호작용
Mother - Infant Book Reading in the Home
Yoo Jin Chae,Myoung Soon Kim
This study explored mother-infant interactions during reading of picture books with and without printed words. The interactions of 40 mother-infant dyads(??) were video-taped while mothers read the books aloud to their 1- or 2-year-old child at home. When reading the books with words, mothers used more "where" questions and gave more feedback to the non-verbal behavior of the infants. Mothers gave more labels, descriptions, predictions, and "what", "function/activity" questions when reading the wordless book. The infants used more nonverbal answers reading the book with words. The mothers of the 2-year-olds used more "what", "function/activity" questions, and gave feedback to their verbal behaviors. The 2-year-olds used more imitation, verbal answers, and comments. For the mothers of the 2-year-olds, the interaction with the wordless book led to more attention-recruiting and bridging. For the children, however, reading the wordless book led to more labels, questions, and comments.
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