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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 20(2); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1999;20(2): 57-74.
경제불황에 따른 부모의 양육태도와 아동의 적응
Economic Hardship , Child Rearing Attitudes and Adjustment Behaviors of Adolescents
Min Sun Park,Seong Yeon Park
The present investigation of the relations among economic hardship, parental child-rearing attitudes and adjustment in adolescence was carried out with 528 middle school children and their mothers in Kyung-gi province. Questionnaires for mothers were on economic stress, and children`s questionnaires were on perceived parental attitudes as well as their own adjustment behaviors, such as aggression, depression, and negative self-concept. Adolescent boys perceived paternal child-rearing attitudes more rejecting and inconsistent when the family experienced income loss. Paternal nurturing behaviors perceived by children were also reduced under poor paternal working conditions. Change in family life style due to economic hardship resulted in higher adolescent depression.
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