Korean Journal of Child Studies 1999;20(4): 75-89.
문제 해결 과정에서의 어머니 - 유아 상호작용과 관련 변인 : 애착과 기질
The Relationship of Child Attachment and Temperament to Mother - Child Interaction during Problem Solving
Yu Mee Rah
Mother-Child Interactions during Problem Solving were analyzed in relation to the child`s attachment security and temperament. Subjects were fifty-three 44-to 57-month-old children and their mothers. Attachment security was assessed by Attachment Q set (Waters, 1987); mother-child interactions were observed at home, and maternal ratings of child temperament were collected by questionnaire (Chun 1993). Attachment security scores were positively related to mother`s cognitive assistance and positively interactions with the child and to the child`s positive affect toward mother. The child`s activity perceived by mother was negatively related to mother`s efficient interactions and positively to the child`s "reliance on mother." The child`s behavior toward the mother in the task session and the child`s temperament added variance above attachment in accounting for the mother`s behavior.