Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(1): 85-98.
부모의 아동기 폭력 경험과 자녀 체벌과의 관계모형
Intergenerational Effects of Violence in Childhood : A Relational Model
June Mi Chung,Jae Yeon Lee
This study examined the impact of physically punished experiences in childhood on parents` use of corporal punishment with their own children. The sample of parents who had been exposed to family violence in childhood was obtained from 4th and 5th grade elementary school children. The sample consisted of 420 parents of which 292 were suitable for this study. Physically punished experiences or parents in childhood influenced aggression, and aggression had an impact on the corporal punishment of children i.e. physically punished experiences and coping strategy did not have a direct impact on the corporal punishment of children but had an indirect effect through aggression. Mothers whose parenting attitude was high in the shame were low in use of corporal punishment while mothers high in use of corporal punishment were low in shame.