Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(1): 215-234.
소학에 나타난 아동교육론
Theories of Childhood Education in Sohak (小學)
Mi Ok Moon,Chill Sun Ryu
This study analyzed the aims, contents, and methods of early education in Sohak(小學) a textbook for childhood education in the choson Dynasty. The analysis was based on the 6th Korean National Kindergarten Curriculum(in process) and the theories of education in Sohak. Sohak consists of Establishing the Education Process(入敎), Clarifying the Cardinal Human Relationships(明倫), Reverencing for the Self(敬身), Examining Antiquity(稽古), Admirable Sayings(嘉言), and Exemplary Deeds(善行). The aim of education in Sohak was to preserve Sheng(性), i.e. human nature inherited from heaven. The contents of education in Sohak was divided into 6 groups: distinction by age and sex, health, basic life habits, private life, family life, and group life. Methods of education in Sohak was the consolidation of knowledge and conduct, education of self control, learning of exploration, learning of constructive models, learning of keep the stages and telling stories of the sayings of the saints.