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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 21(2); 2000 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(2): 57-66.
아동의 사회지능과 인구통계학적 변인의 관계 연구
The Relationship between Children's Social Intelligence and Demographic Variables
Tai Hyong Moon
The present study investigated the relationship between demographic variables(gender, grade in school, etc.) and children`s social intelligence. Elementary and middle school students responded to the self-reported inventory on social intelligence, and their teachers used the social intelligence rating scale for children. The results show gender, grade, and regional differences in children`s abilities to deal with various social situation. Furthermore, parents` education and residence is also related to their children`s social intelligence. Based on regression analyses, it was found that grade in school and parent education were the most influential variables in explaining variance in children`s social intelligence.
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