Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(2): 135-146.
성 학대 예방교육의 접근방법에 따른 유아의 성 학대 이해와 대처 방안
The Effect of Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs of Concepts of Prevention and Coping Skills in Preschool Children
Chae Ok Chong,Jae Yeon Lee
This study compared the effectiveness of various prevention methods(1-time video viewing; repeated video viewing; participation-enriched video viewing) used in delivering awareness of sexual abuse and coping skills to preschool children. All of the experimental groups performed better than the control group. The participation-enriched viewing group displayed higher levels of coping skills than the control and the 1-time viewing groups. Repeated viewing and participation-enriched viewing approaches were most effective in long-term understanding. The repeated viewing group showed superiority in long-term coping skills. Direct participation, interaction, and reinforcement by means of repetition are important for optimal results in sexual abuse prevention education.