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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 21(4); 2000 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(4): 177-196.
유아교육 , 보육기관 평가인정제 개발 연구
Accreditation Standards and Procedures for Institutions of Early Childhood Education and Care
Ok Seung Yang
A large sample (1090) of randomly selected early childhood education professionals and government officials rated each of the 133 standards of "A Model for Institutional Accreditation for Early Childhood Education and Care"(Yang, 1999) on a scale of 1 (least important) to 5 (most important). Findings were that all kindergartens and child care centers should be evaluated for accreditation every 3 years with 3-6 months for self-study and on-site validation visits by representatives of the appropritates agencies for 1-2 days. Evaluation results are should be used by institution personnel as a guide to self-supervision, by government officials as a funding standard and by parents as criteria of program quality. Essential accreditation standards included: facilities and equipment; curriculum; nutrition, health and safety; administration and management; and support systems. Safety and teacher-child interactions were most highly rated while parent involvement was not highly rated.
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