교사 평정용 영아발달 평가도구 |
이영자,이종숙,신은수,곽향림,이정욱 |
The Development of Infants and Toddlers : A Rating Scale for Teachers |
Young Ja Lee,Jong Sook Lee,Eun Soo Shin,Hyang Lim Kwak,Jeong Wuk Lee |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to construct a rating scale of infant and toddler development for the use of teachers in their observations of children during daily activities. The scale consists of 201 items measuring motor, self-help, socio-communicative, socio-emotional, and cognitive development. Quality, reliability and validity were examined with the use of a nation-wide sample of 1,245 children from classes of 1- and 2-year-olds. Tests on validity and reliability were high in terms of content validity evaluated by early childhood professionals, concurrent validity with the Bayley Scale, internal consistency among raters, and test-retest reliability. Factor analysis showed that the developmental areas of infants and toddlers are not clearly differentiated but are interrelated with each other. The scale was standardized by providing nation-wide norms with raw scores, percentiles, and standardized scores. |