Korean Journal of Child Studies 2001;22(2): 329-346.
유아용 그림책에 관한 페미니즘적 접근
A Feminist Approach to Picture Books for Kindergarten Children
Dae Ryun Chung,Yeon Kyung Jung
This analysis of the portrayal of characters in 74 picture books used in kindergarten focused on the gender types and roles of girls and boys, adult females, adult males, and feminist perspectives or sexism. Results showed that girls were rewarded according to their abilities and accomplishments, and they were considered to have equal rights; boys were depicted as dominant, positive, logical, courageous and having initiative; adult females, especially mothers at home, were responsible exclusively for housekeeping and child rearing; adult males, including fathers, were depicted as dominant characters in a variety of professional occupations and social activities, nonetheless, in many books, children were depicted as androgynous personalities having human rights. Though these results show changes in gender stereotypes from the 1970s and 1980s, subtle biases of gender still remain in children`s books.