Topic Continuity in 5-Year-Old Children During Verbal interactions With Peers
Mi Young Sung
This study investigated topic continuity in 5-year-old children during verbal interactions with peers by socioeconomic status and type of task. Each of the 78 children in this study participated in topic continuity sessions consisting of 4 10-minute play periods with a same-sex peer : 2 in familiar and 2 in unfamiliar situations. Sessions were videotaped and transcribed. Transcripts were analysed by a modified version of the Kertoy and Vetter (1995) topic coding system; categories included topic initiation, topic continuation(collaboration and incorporation), and off-topic. Results showed that children from middle-income families stayed on topic and collaborated more than children from low-income families. Children displayed more topic continuation, collaboration and incorporation in familiar than in unfamiliar situations.