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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 23(6); 2002 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2002;23(6): 15-32.
성별에 따른 유아의 정서능력과 관련변인간 구조 분석
우수경 , 최기영
Variables Related to Gender Differences in Structural Analysis of Children`s Emotional Competence
Soo Kyeong Woo , Kee Young Choi
Child`s temperament, cognitive ability, social competence, mother`s affective child rearing and positive expression, father`s positive expression, and teacher`s positive expression were the variables investigated in relation to the structure of children`s emotional competence (EC). Subjects were 20 teachers and 236 five-year-old children and their parents. Data were analyzed by LISREL (Linear Structural Relations), a statistical program for structural equation modeling. Results showed that boys` social competence and mother`s affective rearing behavior directly influenced the EC of boys; boys temperament and cognitive ability, and positive expressions of their teachers indirectly influenced the EC of boys. Girls` temperament and social competence directly influenced the EC of girls; their cognitive ability, mother`s affective child rearing behavior, and positive expressions of mothers and fathers indirectly influenced the EC of girls.
Key Words: emotional competence, social competence, temperament, cognitive ability, affective rearing behavior, positive expression
주요어: 정서능력, 사회적 능력, 기질, 인지능력, 애정적 양육행동, 긍정적 정서표현
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