Korean Journal of Child Studies 2002;23(6): 65-79.
정신병리아동 부모의 자아분화, 가족기능에 관한 연구
황규선 , 최연실
Self-Differentiation and Family Function in Parents of Children with Psychopathology
Kyu Sun Hwang , Youn Shil Choi
The present study surveyed both the parents of 130 children with psychopathology and the parents of 240 normal children. children were between 2 and 12 years of age. No differences were found between parents in self-differentiation or in family function by type of disorder. Parents of children with psychopathology were lower than parents of normal children in self-differentiation; this was particularly evident in cognitive function-emotional function, and emotional cut-off. Parents of children with psychopathology were lower than parents of normal children in terms of family function. Multiple regression analyses indicated that parent`s self-differentiation, children`s psychopathology, and parent`s education level had a significant influence on family function. The regression model explained 52% of the variance.