Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(1): 99-108.
어머니의 임신 전 교육수준에 의한 학령기 아동의 학업성적 예측도 : 세대간 전이에 대한 함의
Predicting Child School Performance by Mother`s Pre-childbearing Level of Education : Implications for an Intergenerational Cycle
Kyung Hye Lee
This study was based on theories of the culture of poverty and the causes and consequences of poverty. The strong relationship of family income to mother`s education presents the possibility of an intergenerational education cycle. Using a longitudinal approach, parental poverty status was measured by family income, welfare assistance, single parent, and occupation when children were 2 years of age; children`s school performance was measured by teacher reports of their reading, mathematics, writing, and overall ability at grade 1. Data were analyzed by structure equation modeling. Results showed that mother`s pre-childbearing level of education predicted child school performance in grade 1, confirming an intergenerational cycle. In addition, the results indicated that parental poverty acts as a mediator between the cycle.