Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(3): 99-108.
유아기 자녀를 둔 아버지의 양육참여와 부부관계, 부모성장과의 관계
Fathers of Preschool Children: Childrearing Involvement, Husband-Wife Relationship and Growth as a Parent
Jeong Soon Lee
This study examined the relationship of childrearing involvement, husband-wife relationship and parental growth of fathers of preschool children. Data were derived from a survey of 487 pairs of fathers and mothers of preschool children. The principal findings were that fathers who took a greater role in childrearing had better husband-wife relationships. Fathers who took on more childrearing involvement experienced "a broadening of one`s vision" and/or "self-regulation" on growth as a parent. Father`s childrearing involvement indirectly influenced parental growth through the medium of husband-wife relationship.