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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 24(3); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(3): 135-149.
어린이집 프로그램 관찰척도의 개발과 타당화
이은해 , 최혜영 , 송혜린 , 신혜영
Development and Validation of an Observation Scale for Day Care Programs
Un Hai Rhee , Hye Yeong Choi , Hye Rin Song , Hye Young Shin
This study aimed to develop an observation scale for assessing the quality of day care programs and to examine reliability and validity of the scale. Instruments included 3 self-assessment scales, the Evaluation Scale for Early Childhood Programs and an observation scale completed by 8 trained observers in 89 day care sites. Item analysis indicated that most items were acceptable in terms of item discrimination and item response distribution. Cronbach α`s and inter-observer reliability were relatively high. Validity of the scale was evidenced by correlations between the observation scale and the criterion measure and inter-correlations among sub-areas of the observation scale. Scores on the observation scale were validated by quality ratings from self-assessment scores.
Key Words: observation scale, assessment for day care programs, development of a scale, validation of a scale
주요어: 관찰척도, 보육 프로그램 평가, 척도의 개발, 척도의 타당화
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