유아의 연령 및 성별과 부모의 양육태도에 따른 유아의 친사회적 행동 |
장영숙 , 강경석 , 김희정 |
The Effect of Parenting Style on Children`s Prosocial Behavior |
Jang Yeong Sug , Kang Gyeong Seog , Kim Hui Jeong |
Abstract |
This study examined the effect of parenting style on children`s prosocial behavior. Children`s prosocial behaviors were examined by 3 factors : adaptation to school life, relationships with others, and ability to control emotions. Subjects were 195 three-, four-, and five-year-old children and their parents. Children`s prosocial behavior differed as a function of children`s age but not gender. Children`s relationships with others among the prosocial behaviors showed a statistically significant difference by mother`s autonomous parenting style. Unexpectedly, children`s prosocial behaviors did not vary according to fathers` parenting style. |
Key Words:
prosocial behavior, mother`s parenting style, father`s parenting style |
친사회적 행동, 어머니의 양육태도, 아버지의 양육태도 |