Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(4): 55-69.
중국 조선족과 한국 아동의 읽기교과서 내용분석 생태학적 체계에 따른 가치덕목의 비교
박혜원 , 원영미 , 이귀옥
Content Analysis of the Reading Textbooks of Chinese-Korean and Korean Children: Ecological Systems and Values
Park Hye Won , Won Yeong Mi , Lee Gwi Og
This study analyzed the contents of reading textbooks of Chinese-Korean 1^(st), 4^(th), and 7^(th) graders in Yanji, China with reference to ecological systems and values. Results showed that the literature genre of Korean textbooks in China was predominantly novels/stories(38.5%) rather than essays(13.7%), poems/verses/rhymes(16.2%) or others(31.6%). Characters were classified into 9 categories and analyzed by Bronfenbrenner`s ecological paradigm. It was found that Chinese-Korean textbooks included more characters belonging to exo- or macro-systems including school, community, and government while Korean textbooks emphasized the self or the family, both belonging to the micro-system. Values in Chinese-Korean textbooks emphasized community and government. Korean textbooks emphasized individual life. Differences were more pronounced in textbooks of the upper grades.