유아의 친사회적 행동 평가 척도 개발 연구 |
김영옥 |
A Study on the Development of Prosocial Behavior Scale for Young Children |
Kim Yeong Og |
Abstract |
Construction of the Prosocial Behavior Scale for young children(PBSYC) was based on document research and interviews with kindergarten teachers and child development specialists. After 200 kindergarten teachers evaluated the 42 items of the PBSYC, factor analysis was conducted; items were categorized into seven factors: leadership, helping, communication, concern, proximity, sharing and empathy. As factos showed high correlation. The prosocial behavior of 306 4 to 5 year old children was measured with the PBSYC and compared with the Babock, Hartle, & Lamme(1995) scale. The resulting correlation between the 2 scales was.764. Further tests indicate that the PBSYC is a valid and reliable scale for the measurement of prosocial behavior in young children. |
Key Words:
prosocial behavior, prosocial behavior scale, empathy, leadership, communication |
친사회적 행동, 친사회적 행동 평가 척도, 감정이입, 지도성, 의사소통 |