정서 유발 맥락이 영아의 미소 얼굴 표정에 미치는 영향 |
홍희영 , 이영 |
The Effects of Emotional Contexts on Infant Smiling |
Hong Hui Yeong , Lee Yeong |
Abstract |
This study examined the effects of emotion inducing contexts on types of infants smiling. Facial expressions of forty-five 11-to 15-month-old infants were videotaped in an experimental lab with positive and negative emotional contests. Infants` smiling was identified as the Duchenne smile of non-Duchenne smile based on FACS(Facial Action Coding System, Ekman & Friesen, 1978). Duration of smiling types was analyzed. Occurrence of Duchenne smiling was more likely in the positive than in the negative context and in the peek-a-boo than in the melody toy condition within the same positive context. Non-Duchenne smiling did not differ by context. |
Key Words:
infant, smiling facial expression, Duchenne smile, emotion inducing contexts, Facial Action Coding System, FACS |
영아, 미소 얼굴 표정, 듀센 미소, 정서유발맥락, 얼굴 행위 부호화 체계 |