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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(1); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(1): 47-60.
어머니의 양육태도 및 TV/비디오 시청 중재와 아동발달특성
Maternal Child-Rearing Attitudes, Mediation of TV/Video Viewing and Child Development
Mun Hyeog Jun
This survey of 659 mothers examined maternal childrearing attitudes of over-protectiveness vs. active involvement and restrictive and/or evaluative TV/Video viewing mediation in relation to children`s emotional, cognitive and social development. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, Pearson`s correlation, and multiple regression. Maternal over-protectiveness was highly associated with children`s negative emotionality and maternal active involvement with children was the most important determinant of children`s positive development. Furthermore, appropriate parental mediation of children`s TV/Video viewing was related to children`s higher cognitive and social ability as well as positive emotionality.
Key Words: maternal over-protectiveness vs. active involvement, TV/비디오 시청중재, restrictive and/or evaluative TV/Video viewing mediation, child development
주요어: 어머니 양육태도, 아동발달
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