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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(2); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(2): 133-154.
어머니의 양육행동 및 모-자녀간 갈등과 남녀 청소년의 개체화간의 관계
황영은 , 도현심
Maternal Parenting, Mother-adolescent Conflict, and Individuation of Adolescents
Hwang Yeong Eun , Do Hyeon Sim
This study examined the relations between maternal parenting, mother-adolescent conflict, and adolescent individuation with a sample of 271 high school students (156 boys and 115 girls) living in Seoul. Data were analyzed by correlations and regressions. Maternal monitoring, reasoning and affection were positively related to connectedness and separateness, two subscales of adolescent individuation, and maternal over-expectation, intrusiveness, physical abuse and neglect were negatively related to connectedness and separateness. Mother-adolescent conflict was negatively related to mother-adolescent conflict, and maternal over-expectation, intrusiveness, and physical abuse and neglect were positively related to mother-adolescent conflict. Mother-adolescent conflict played a mediating role between maternal parenting and adolescent individuation.
Key Words: maternal parenting, mother-adolescent conflict, individuation
주요어: 어머니의 양육, 모-청소년 자녀간 갈등, 개체화
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