Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(4): 115-128.
교사가 평가한 유아 다중지능 평가도구(MIDAS-MYC)의 구조에 관한 연구
양옥승 , 신화식 , 이경옥 , 황혜경 , 김승옥
A Study on the Structure of Children`s Multiple Intelligence Evaluation Instrument(MIDAS-MYC) by Teacher`s Evaluation
Ok Seung Yang , Hwa Sik Shin , Kyung Ok Lee , Hye Kyoung Hwang , Seung Ok Kim
In this study, we examined the relationship among Multiple Intelligence constructs and the relationship among the sub-areas and analysed the development of the Multiple Intelligence according to age and gender to evaluate Korean children`s Multiple Intelligence structures that teachers evaluated based on MIDAS-MYC. The subjects of the study consisted of 158 4-5 year old children (71 4-year-old group(boy 38, girl 33); 87 5-year-old group(boy 40, girl 47)) in Seoul and Gyeonggi. We found several results which are as follows. 1) Reliability on each area of intelligence in MIDAS-MYC was good. 2) The result of confirmatory factor analysis using the model of structural equation modeling was consistent with the results of other studies that children`s Multiple Intelligence consists of eight intelligent areas that are independent to each other but are relative to each other. In particular, interpersonal-intrapersonal intelligence, languistic-inteapersonal intelligence, languistic-Interpersonal intelligence, and languistic-logic/math intelligence were high correlation. However, physical/motion-naturalist intelligence and musical-logic/math intelligence were low correlation. 3) Children`s multiple intelligence differed according to age and sex, the 5-year-old was higher than 4-year-old and girls were higher than boys in a general way. 4) There was high correlation between the result of evaluation based on MIDAS-MYC and the result of teacher`s subjective evaluation about children`s Multiple Intelligence.