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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(5); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(5): 59-71.
예비 아버지의 부성경험에 관한 일 연구
황정해 , 백경임
Early Stages of Preparation for Fatherhood
Jung Hae Hwang , Kyung Im Baik
Based on ethnographic methods, the present research utilized individual interviews of 1 to 2 hours each with various probe questions to discover early stages of preparation for fatherhood. Interviews of the 12 male participants took place in naturalistic settings. Most were between 28 to 32 years of age and middle SES class. Results showed that during their wife`s pregnancy expectant fathers come to terms with becoming a father; they obtain a new understanding of life and make efforts to behave desirably in society; attitudes towards their own parents change; they have a different relationship with their wife; relations with close associates change, and occupational identity changes in that feelings of responsibility for a wife and child becomes more sincere.
Key Words: expectant father, preparatory period for fatherhood, paternal experience
주요어: 예비아버지, 아버지의 준비기, 부성경험
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