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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(5); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(5): 73-94.
발달지체유아 어머니의 모-자 상호작용 행동 증진 프로그램의 효과 연구
정계숙 , 노진형
Effects of an Intervention Program for Mother-Child Interaction Behaviors of Mothers with Developmentally Delayed Young Children
Kai Sook Chung , Jin Hyung Roh
The study examined the effects of an intervention program for improving mother-child interaction behaviors of mothers with developmentally delayed young children. The program consisted of three main activities, lectures for good parenting, video-feedback of mother-child interactions, and consultation for problem behaviors of children. The subjects were 4 mothers of 5-6 years old children with developmental delays who were referred to a social competence program of a child counseling center. The mothers were identified to have problematic mother-child interaction behaviors through clinical interviews. The program ran for 16 sessions, one parent group leader implemented each session for 90-120 minutes once a week. The videotaped data of mother-child interactions for 10 minutes every 4 sessions were estimated by Maternal Behavior Rating Scale(MBRS) and qualitatively analyzed by transcription of communications between mothers and their children. It concluded that the intervention program enhanced mother-child interaction behaviors.
Key Words: mother-child interaction, responsiveness, videofeedback, children with developmental delays
주요어: 모-자 상호작용, 반응성, 비디오 피드백, 발달지체유아
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