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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(5); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(5): 111-128.
영아-어머니의 상호작용 방식과 영아기 사회적 의사소통능력
곽금주 , 김민화 , 한은주
The Interrelationship of Infant-Mother Interaction and Early Social Communication Skills
Keum Joo Kwak , Min Hwa Kim , Eun Joo Hahn
Responsiveness and initiative between infant and mother from toy centered play situation at 6, 7 months of age and infant`s social communication skills at 12 months were studied in a sample of 62 infant-mother pairs. Through the video analysis, infants were grouped into simple react group, cooperated group, and active initiative group. In the between groups, we analyzed whether mother`s initiative act styles and response styles were different, and whether their social communication skills were different when they tested at 12 months. The results showed that mother`s initiative styles were not different but mother`s response styles were significantly different with infant groups. Further result showed that cooperated group gained higher score than active initiative group in the total score of Eary Social Communication Skills scales at 12 months of age. The results suggested that mother`s responsive behaviors were more important than initiative behaviors for the infant`s positive interaction, and the difference of these behaviors would lead to a gap of early social communication abilities.
Key Words: toy centered play, infant-mother interaction, initiative, responsiveness, social communication skills
주요어: 장난감 중심 놀이, 영아-어머니 상호작용, 주도성, 반응성, 사회적 의사소통능력
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