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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(5); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(5): 129-145.
영아보육 프로그램의 질적 수준에 대한 보육시설의 자체평가
Self-Evaluation of the Quality of Center-Based Infant/Toddler Care
Kyoung Ae Choi
This research aimed to analyze the quality of center-based infant/toddler programs in Korea. Scale for infant and toddler programs divide accreditation standards into 4 areas(physical environment, curriculum, health care, management system) with 60 standards. Standards can be divided into basic criteria and general criteria. The subjects are 149 day care centers(44 infant day care centers and 105 day care centers), and raters(teachers or principal) assessed the quality of each item on a 5-point Likert scale. The results of this study are as follows: 1) Self-evaluation result have marked 3.67 as average(range : 2.32~4.90), which barely meets basic criteria level. 2) Physical environment area has received worst score(3.41) and Health care area has received best score(3.92). 3) Each standard`s score indicate the quality of infant/toddler care program: Feed care(4.29), Affectionate teacher-infant interaction(4.14) were highly rated while Nature environment/anmal/plant(2.75) and Teacher`s facilities(2.74) were rated low. 4) Some variation factors showed differences in the qualitative level; number of child, education level of principal.
Key Words: self-evaluation, accreditation standard, infant/toddler care
주요어: 자체평가, 인증기준, 영아보육
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