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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(5); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(5): 193-208.
놀이의 기쁨 -정서표현과 그 맥락적 특성-
Joy Expression and Its Cognitive and Social Contexts in Children`s Play
Hee Yeon Kim
This study purported to empirically examine joy expression and its cognitive and social contexts in children`s play. The following question was asked: 1) What kind(s) of emotional expression(s) can be considered as a defining feature of play? 2) What cognitive/social play contexts are associated with joy expression. 30 children aged 3, 4, and 5 years were observed in terms of the length of each emotional expression at play/nonplay, and at cognitive/social play categories. The findings of this study showed that regardless of children`s age and gender only joy expression could be considered as a defining feature of play, and that R&T play and chase games, or associative and cooperative social play were strongly related to joy expression. The findings were discussed in reference with existing assertions and perspectives, emphasizing the importance of joy expression in defining children`s play despite of the predominance of interest expression in play. The findings were also discussed in reference with metacommunication functions and social construction of joy, considering cognitive/social contexts of joy. Implications for play researchers and practitioners were described in terms of developing playful learning strategies for childhood. Limitations of this study, and suggestions for further research were also provided.
Key Words: play, emotional expression, joy, cognitive play categories, social play categories
주요어: 놀이, 정서표현, 즐거움, 인지적 놀이범주, 사회적 놀이범주
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