중학생 자녀를 둔 한국 아버지의 양육참여 척도의 개발 -중학생 자녀와 아버지간의 상호작용을 중심으로- |
김희화 |
Development a Korean Scale of Paternal Involvement in the Early Adolescence of Their Children |
Hee Hwa Kim |
Abstract |
The preliminary Korean Paternal Involvement Scale of 84 items was constructed from items collected from free-response surveys with 106 middle school students and 33 fathers followed by consultation with experts. Those items were tested on a sample of 339 middle school students. The 82 items selected through item analysis were analyzed by factor analysis. Of these, 54 items were categorized into seven factors : leisure-life, proffering information, discipline, academic support, tradition-inheritance, material support, and everyday life. Leisure-life, proffering information, and academic support correlated with grade level of adolescents and fathers` education. The alpha coefficients of this scale ranged from .68 to .90. |
Key Words:
paternal involvement, fathering, adolescent |
아버지 양육참여, 아버지 역할수행, 청소년 |